Disrupting the Function of IC - A Global Perspective
The internal communication profession faces turbulent times and the role of IC practitioners may well be at a turning point. Caught between multiple increasing challenges brought about by the impact of technology, the convergence and integration of communication disciplines, over-riding agendas like employee engagement and advocacy, etc, the profession must dig deep for insights and new ways to define itself. For the first time, a collective global effort attempts to address these questions.

Making it Count | Views of 14 CEOs and 89 Practitioners on IC
CIPR Inside Report "Making it Count : The strategic value and effectiveness of internal communication" is the result of 14 interviews with CEOs from various industries and the views of 89 IC practitioners with a similar set of questions to get a sense of their thoughts on the function and where practitioners are in terms of the value they add.

IC the Most Critical Communication Function?
The one area of corporate communications that CEOs are most concerned about getting right is internal communication. This is one of the findings of The CEO Communications Audit, a research produced by the Gandalf Group for the Luc Beauregard Centre of Excellence in Communications Research.

Internal Communication Has Come of Age, and Not Before Time
For too long internal communications was the Cinderella of the communication profession. It was the backwater where communication professionals toiled, often under-resourced and under-praised. No longer. Any number of surveys from corporate organisations and management consultancies state that employee engagement is right at the top of the priority list for senior executives.