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Research Brief Series

The Intersection of Internal & External Communication

Internal-External Comms

Free PDF, 19 pages

©IC Kollectif 2019

About this series - 'Research Brief' is a new publication series in which each concise edition takes a deep dive into a specific topic discussed in the 164-page global report The Next Level


Click here to see editions on other topics.

About The Next Level Report - The Next Level is the first publication of its kind bringing together C-suite leaders, in-house communication professionals/executives, and academics across all continents. Based on primary and secondary research, the report takes the conversation about internal communication to the strategic management level. The report provides solid insights, advice, frameworks, and resources from which practitioners can learn how to better position themselves as trusted counsellors and advisors, communicate on the same strategic level with senior management, and drive business value.


More info here. To download the free report, click here.

Based on two qualitative initiatives conducted by IC Kollectif - a global survey opened to all and interviews with selected in-house communication professionals from 25 countries - this edition focuses on the intersection of internal and external communication. The brief includes:


  • The results of our survey conducted in July/August 2018 on how internal communication professionals are dealing with the blurring lines between internal and external communication in their organization

  • How practitioners ensure that internal stakeholders are not overlooked in the overall communication strategy 

  • Why internal stakeholders are recognized as a distinct audience with specific needs and why they are as much important as external stakeholders

  • Some critical factors to prevent a reputation gap and lack of trust

  • Examples from in-house communication professionals on what the intersection of internal and external communication looks like in practice

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