Non-Profit Sector: What PR & IC practitioners Need to Know

Lise Michaud
The non-profit sector faces many communication challenges. Those working in communications, or studying public relations, with a specific interest in the non-profit sector, now have access to a new go-to book: Communicating Causes: Strategic Public Relations for the Non-Profit Sector, edited by Nicky Garsten and Ian Bruce. It is currently available for free online.
While the whole book is an absolute major contribution to the profession, the chapter written by Liam FitzPatrick, Internal communication in NGOS : Planning an essential element of PR, will be of particular interest to internal communication practitioners.
Liam FitzPatrick, Managing Partner of WorkingCommunications, and also a close collaborator of IC Kollectif, explains that NGOS are different from other organizations in that « voluntary organizations have additional internal communication (IC) challenges. Their workers often include unpaid volunteers. » His chapter looks at the practice of IC and makes practical suggestions about planning and executing these communications. The demands on non-profit communication managers in relation to stakeholder segmentation and messaging are also identified and examined. In addition to two useful case studies, the chapter includes the following segments:
Defining terms
The importance of internal communication in organizational effectiveness
The 6 vital roles of internal communication in non-profit organizations
Understanding stakeholders
Clear messaging
Channels and approaches
Evaluating and tracking
Communicating Causes is available for free via this link until October, 21 2018, and is provided by Taylor & Francis sharing initiative.
Source :
Garsten, N. (Ed.), Bruce, I. (Ed.). (2018). Communicating Causes. London: Routledge. (314 pages)
Original link :

Liam FitzPatrick
Managing Partner of WorkingCommunications