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IC Kollectif Founder Among Top Global Employee Engagement Influencer

January 2017 - IC Kollectif Founder Lise Michaud has been recognized as one of the top global Employee Engagement Influencer by the Employee Engagement Awards. She was listed alongside 90 people from around the world, including Virgin Group Founder Richard Branson, LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner, Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg, as well as many employee engagement specialists and other professionals followed closely by IC Kollectif.

« It is a tremdous honour to be recognized as a global Employee Engagement Influencer, » indicated Lise Michaud, who founded IC Kollectif less than a year ago with support from Montréal Chapter of the International Association of Business Communication.

Inaugaural #Engagement101 list

Earlier today, the Employee Engagement Awards announced its inaugural #Engagement101 list recognized as the top influencers and experts in the world of Employee Engagement. The list recognises people from all walks of business: the boardroom, HR, Internal Communication, Finance, Technology and Entrepreneurs. « Each one has made a significant contribution to the development of Employee Engagement. Some inspire action, some educate, some recognise, some have influence via social media. Some rip up the old and create new ways to engage people. But all of the 101 are passionate about Employee Engagement. »

« We have compiled this list with contributions from all around the globe… I am passionate about improving the employee experience whilst making businesses perform better. We have created this initial list as a starting point. We want to trigger people to go and look at the #Engagement101. We want them to research the 101, to follow them and to emulate them. Hopefully this will also inspire future members of #Engagement101 club. » said Matt Manners, founder of The Employee Engagement Awards.

Profiling the influencers

«Throughout 2017, we will be adding biographies for each of the #Engagement101 and profiling/ interviewing them through our newsletter & blog the Engagement Zone.»

Nominate the final 10 now

The #Engagement101 list was launched with the names of the 91 Founding Fellows, leaving 10 spots open. People are invited to send in their nominations now by completing the form on the website via this link:

About IC Kollectif

A global non-profit organization, Montréal-based IC Kollectif connects communication professionals with knowledge, resources and research that are focused Internal and Organizational Communication, including Employee Engagement. With more than 3,000 Twitter followers and people from 77 countries who have visited the newly launched website, IC Kollectif has grown organically and globally, attracting in-house communication practitioners, IC and communication thought leaders, consultants, professional associations, academics, employee engagement specialists and other interested participants, from across five continents.

IC Kollectif is a global independent nonprofit organization. All editorial content is published independently and without the influence of any advertiser, commercial sponsor or partner.

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