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IC Kollectif: A New Space Dedicated to Internal Communication

Lise Michaud

As communication professionals, we are called on to be creative, innovative and keenly aware of the constant evolution of our practice. The sources we generally turn to may be varied, but they are also elusive: we must know not only what to search for but also where to find them. This is how IC Kollectif—a project spearheaded by Lise Michaud, in partnership with IABC/Montréal—was born: from a desire to simplify the search process.

Find | Share | Inspire

Currently in its early stages, IC Kollectif aspires to create a space that brings together as many sources of IC content as possible, to make it more accessible. Our ambition: bridge the gap between information and communication professionals, and encourage the sharing of anything that could enhance our practice: advice, best practices, knowledge, and trends.

IC Kollectif will first allow access to an exhaustive list of IC sources that will include professional associations, organizations, agencies and subject matter experts. More content will be provided as the project grows. What do you hope to find there? Help us create a space that meets your needs by emailing and follow us from now on on Twitter @IC_Kollectif.

IC Kollectif is a global independent nonprofit organization. All editorial content is published independently and without the influence of any advertiser, commercial sponsor or partner.

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