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The State of the Sector 2018

The State of the Sector 2018 marks the 10th edition of the annual survey produced by Gatehouse. Lee Smith, Director and Co-founder of Gatehouse, answers a few questions about the most comprehensive annual internal communication and employee engagement research to date. Full interview. 

Solving business problems through communication

"My sense is that the biggest opportunity for practitioners is to go beyond just solving communications problems, and start solving business problems through communications. Internal communication professionals have the opportunity to enable priority organizational goals, helping to set and drive the agenda rather than being relegated to a more passive order-taker role." Caroline Kealey, Principal & Founder at Ingenium Communications. Full interview.

Strategic thinking at the top of the list

"IC professionals...have been stubbornly tactical as long as I can remember. Instead of seeing themselves as communication strategists with the mission of enlightening employees about critical company issues, they have tended to take journalists and reporters as their proper role models and have seen themselves in the news business rather than in the business of delivering contextualized information to their audience." Roger D'Aprix, ABC, IABC Fellow Leader, D’Aprix & Co. LLC. Full interview.

Research and measurement in organizational communication

"Too often we are the only people in an organization saying,“Trust me!” When we don’t have data on which to drive our strategies, we’re exposed to criticism about nearly all factors of our work. We don't have a leg to stand on."  Sean Williams, Vice President and Practice Lead, True Digital Communications. Full interview.

Mike Klein on the state of the profession of IC

"Practitioner confidence is absolutely vital. This isn’t just about being competent and having confidence in our own practical skills.  It’s about believing that we can put together the right combination of facts, logic and conviction to prevail even when challenging a CEO." Mike Klein, Principal, Changing The Terms. Full interview.

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