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Guest Article Guidelines

Please Note :  If you are a vendor, marketer, communication agency, industry company and/or a communication consultant looking to promote its services and/or product, click here.


Our website shares highly relevant content with practitioners to help position themselves as key players for business success. It is also a valuable source of information for anyone working in, communication, teaching or studying communication.


We only accept contributions from senior communication practitioners, communication executives and other C-suite level executives, professors, teachers, instructors and researchers. 


We generally publish articles on invitation only, but we do consider requests that are responding to our criteria.  

Editorial Guidelines

  • We do not promote products or services in our articles.

  • Content must provide a strategic perspective to the practice of internal communication, as opposed to basic and/or tactical advice, or information mainly focused on tools and channels, as there are already many Blogs and organizations sharing the latter. If needed, the author may be invited to modify the submitted article accordingly, or to submit a new article. 

  • We favor content from which our readers will learn something new. 

  • Examples of type of content:

          - findings from research, surveys

          - the strategic management of the function of IC

          - integrated approach to internal and external communication, and /or with other disciplines

          - thought leadership views on the practice

          - insights and advice that elevate the business side of communication/internal communication

            and looking at aspects that are critical to practitioners in the field

          - impact of internal communication and how it works/ should work in organizations to help

            support business goals

          - the state of the practice of IC

  • ​Article must be original/unpublished.  

  • ​We may consider publishing an article that is repurposing earlier material with noticeable rewriting or modifications.​

  • The author agrees to publish exclusively on the IC Kollectif's website for a period of one week before re-publishing the article elsewhere.  When re-publishing, we ask the author to mention that the article was previously published on IC Kollectif, with a link to the website.

  • ​​We don't allow sales pitches and calls to action in and/or at the end of the article.

  • ​We reserve the right to edit the article. In this case, we will get the approval of the author before publishing.

  • We understand that the spelling of some words varies from country to country. We will use the local version of spelling out of respect for the author and in recognition of the global community. 

  • We will determine on which date the post will be published. 

  • ​Length: 500-750 words, in a Word format.

  • ​If links are incorporated, original and complete URLs must be submitted.

  • ​Once the article has been accepted, the author is asked to provide

          - a short bio (50 words max)

          - social media links (original URL's must be provided)

          - a head shot


Please Note :  If you are a vendor, marketer, communication agency, industry company and/or a communication consultant looking to promote its services and/or product, click here.

Please Note


  • If you are a vendor, marketer, communication agency, industry company looking to publish on IC Kollectif, click here.​

  • If you are a communication consultant looking to promote its services and/or product on IC Kollectif,  click here.

Please Note

Lise Michaud is the only party authorized to represent, negotiate and accept any agreements, contracts, partnerships, or any other forms of association, lucrative or non-lucrative, on behalf of IC Kollectif and/or involving the IC Kollectif's brand.

For more information:

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