UPDATE Brexit : Advice and Resources for Internal Communication Professionals

Lise Michaud
Internal Communication professionals have to deal with a new significant challenge following the UK Referendum result. Although there isn’t a one size fits all solution to manage internal communication around Brexit, it is still useful to know that the communication community shares advice and resources to help you help employees make sense of Brexit. Here are the resources that we have identified so far.

Gatehouse conducted a survey in early July 2016 after the result of the Brexit referendum was announced. It attracted nearly 250 respondents, with 82% of these based in the United Kingdom and a further 10% in mainland Europe. The State of the Sector – Brexit Special investigated how Brexit affects the internal communication profession. The survey focused on how internal communication professionals prepared ahead of the referendum; the expected impact of Brexit on organisations; and what the Post-Brexit future hold for IC teams. The Report and the Infographic of the results are available here. Access also blog posts related to the Survey Results: All Things IC and IoIC.
Institute of Internal Communication conducted a survey among its members after the results of the Brexit Referendum. Non-British workers' concerns dominate in IoIC Brexit survey. The complete results are available to members only. the article Sixty-seven IoIC members responded to the survey. n overview of the results are provided in
A new LinkedIn Group, BrexitComms - Brexit advice for Internal Comms Professionals, created by Marc Wright from Simply-Communicate. « This is the community for Internal Communications professionals who are grappling with the issues raised by Brexit for colleagues, managers, leaders and other stakeholders. Advice, support, templates and best practice examples for communicating during radical change. »
On CEB Communicators’ Network (formerly Melcrum), Iliyana Hadjistoyanova, from CEB started a group discussion Helping Employees Make Sense of Brexit. « In the wake of the UK electorate’s decision to leave the European Union, Internal Comms teams in the UK, across Europe, and around the world are facing up to dealing with such an unprecedented situation. The challenge facing communicators today is: How can we help our employees make sense of this event and navigate a deeply uncertain environment? As we’ve never been here before, there’s no obvious path to take. So in order to gather ideas and advice, we wanted to start this discussion so comms pros could share how they are approaching it and bounce ideas off one another. What have you done so far to start conversations at your organization? And what would you like to know from your peers? »
▪︎ Brexit: Links for Corporate Comms, Judith H. Hones, Bottom Line Internal Communications.
▪︎ Brexit advice for communicators, IoIC
▪︎ Web round-up: Brexit special, IoIC
▪︎ Communicating Brexit internally, by Marc Wright from Simply-Communicate
▪︎ A conversation for IC pros about Brexit, Rachel Miller, All Things IC, with a link to a
podcast interview with Chuck Gose on ICology.
▪︎ Brexit - 12 immediate actions for PR, Corp Comms and Public Affairs Pros, by Stuart Bruce
in Influene CIPR UK
▪︎ Brexit: Now What? by Suzanne Horne and Hannah Harris, Corporate Counsel
▪︎ Internal Comms in a post-referendum world, Russell Norton
▪︎ Long Road Ahead for British Business - an Engage for Success Viewpoint, Engage for Success
▪︎ 5 prinicples for internal communications during Brexit, Jane Revell in Headlines
Dan Slee, comms2point0
communications, Wisembly
▪︎ How business world reacted to Brexit, Jack Torrance, Management Today
▪︎ Three things communicators can tell you about Brexit, Liam FitzPatrick
▪︎ Brexit: Six Steps Global Organizations Should Consider Now, Jacqueline F. Strayer, Institute for
Public Relations
▪︎ Five ways public affairs can help now Brexit is happening, Stuart Thomson, Influence CIPR UK
▪︎ Post-Brexit Communications: Navigating Uncertainty, Gay Flashman
▪︎ Business Communications After Brexit, Stuart Thomson, Influence, CIPR UK
Changing TheTerms
▪︎ ICology Episode 26 - Brexit with Rachel Miller, All Things IC
▪︎ FIR Podcast #41: Earned Media and the Brexit Vote with Kevin Anselmo, Olivier Blanchard and
Shonali Burke.
Note: The original post was published on LinkedIn Pulse on June 28, 2016 and updated on July 4, 2016. The current version was updated on August 18, 2016.
Lise Michaud is the Founder of IC Kollectif : ickollectif.com | @IC_Kollectif | Facebook | LinkedIn